Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oh Where Do I Begin.....

Where do I even begin to tell you all the places I have been or the things I have done since last I blogged!?! It truly is frightening to recount them all. There are so many things happening, so many things in the works, so many events attended, so much still to do! I have been painting till my fingers have about fallen off, but so happy to be doing that! Filled to overflowing with the joy of constant creating! Well...I guess I will start at the beginning or at least a few months back...Starting in August, we closed the warehouse out....for those of you that had attended our monthly sales, thank you so much for your following! But it truly was becoming a full time job for design work and art making were taking a back seat to it....and it was a mutual agreement from all the Warehouse Artchix involved that it was time for each of us to put our energy into something new. I moved my office and art supplies back home to Irving...creating a home office in one of the spare bedrooms and also creating a larger studio. I now have a seperate studio from my house, but also a studio inside my house as well. And I am still overflowing with art supplies and projects! I love having it all back home and readily available to get to at any or night. I learned so much by having the warehouse, business lessons, creative lessons and lessons in dealing with people and different personalities. I learned to let God take control, to let him lead and to follow. I am glad to turn a page and begin in a new direction too.
So stay tuned and I will fill you in on that new direction and where it is taking me! Have a great weekend!~Sandra

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